Kaiser Family Foundation National Survey of Kids (and Their Parents) About Famous Athletes as Role Models September 30, 2000 Poll Finding With the most recent Olympics and now Major League Baseball marred by reports of the use of banned performance-enhancing drugs, a new nationwide survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation examines the influence of sports figures in kids’ lives today. Based on telephone interviews with a randomly selected national sample of…
National Survey of Physicians April 29, 2002 Poll Finding The Kaiser Family Foundation’s biennial , conducted from March 26 through October 11, 2001, is based on a nationally representative random sample of 2,608 physicians whose major professional activity is direct patient care. The survey was released in four parts. Topline Part I: Doctors on Disparities in Medical Care Part…
Racial/Ethnic Differences in Cardiac Care: The Weight of the Evidence September 29, 2002 Poll Finding Summary ReportNumerous studies over the past two decades have documented racial and ethnic differences in care for heart conditions. To assess the quality of the evidence and to summarize the information for a physician audience, the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation collaborated with the American College of Cardiology Foundation to…
Health News Index – March/April 2002 March 31, 2002 Poll Finding Health News Index March/April, 2002 The March/April edition of the Kaiser Family Foundation/Harvard School of Public Health Health News Index includes questions about major health stories covered in the news, including the recent coverage of mammogram efficacy, the Institute of Medicine report on racial disparities in the health care system,…
Kaiser Health Poll Report – October 2002 October 31, 2002 Poll Finding A broad and informative bimonthly report, the new Kaiser Health Poll Report provides key tracking information, including historical trends and in-depth analysis of public opinion about hot health care topics. The current Featured Topic contains additional trends in public knowledge and attention to news about seniors and prescription drugs, as…
NPR/Kaiser/Kennedy School Poll: 2002 Civil Liberties Update August 30, 2002 Poll Finding According to a new poll by NPR, the Kaiser Family Foundation, and Harvard s Kennedy School of Government, the nation is evenly divided on the question of tradeoffs between civil liberties and security. However, a small but statistically significant number of Americans have shifted toward the civil liberties side of…
New NPR/Kaiser Family Foundation/Harvard Kennedy School of Government Survey on Health Care May 30, 2002 Poll Finding A new survey by NPR, the Kaiser Family Foundation, and Harvard s Kennedy School of Government finds that many Americans have real problems when it comes to accessing and paying for health care, and even if they haven’t yet faced a problem, many worry about getting and paying for care…
National Survey of Small Businesses – Toplines March 30, 2002 Poll Finding National Survey of Small BusinessesToplines from a new survey that finds that two-thirds of small employers say that they are dissatisfied with the cost of health care and health insurance, and about one-third of small businesses that now offer insurance say they are likely to increase the share of costs…
A Study of Media Coverage of Health Policy 1997-2000 December 31, 2001 Poll Finding The debate over President Clinton’s national health care reform plan put health care policy at the forefront of the national agenda in 1993 and 1994. After the end of that debate, it remained to be seen whether or not health policy would hold the media’s and the public s interest…
Health News Index – September/October 2001 September 30, 2001 Poll Finding Health News Index September/October, 2001 The September/October 2001 edition of the Kaiser Family Foundation/Harvard School of Public Health Health News Index includes questions about major health stories covered in the news, including reports about rising health insurance premiums and Americans most important sources for health news and information. The Health…