Pulling it Together: As The International AIDS Conference Convenes, Some Positive News About Public Opinion and HIV July 19, 2012 Perspective The American people are busy trying to make ends meet and take care of their families and they are constantly bombarded by messaging and spin. They rarely have a full understanding of policy issues and debates. Often it is their strongly held beliefs, whether based on accurate or inaccurate perceptions,…
Kaiser Poll: Early Reaction to Supreme Court Decision on ACA July 2, 2012 Perspective Following last week’s Supreme Court’s decision upholding the heart of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), a majority of Americans (56 percent) now say they would like to see the law’s detractors stop their efforts to block its implementation and move on to other national problems. In the first of two…
JAMA Forum: After Supreme Court Ruling on the Health Care Law, Focus Turns to the States … and November June 28, 2012 Perspective “After Supreme Court Ruling on the Health Care Law, Focus Turns to the States … and November,” Larry Levitt’s June 2012 post for The JAMA Forum, is now online.
Is a Death Spiral Inevitable If There is No Mandate? June 19, 2012 Perspective If the Supreme Court acts within the next couple of weeks to overturn the individual mandate in the Affordable Care Act (ACA) while leaving the rest of the law intact, expect to hear a lot about how the individual insurance market will be destined for a “death spiral.” When compared…
Kaiser Survey Probes Health Insurance Brokers’ Views on Insurance Trends, ACA June 15, 2012 Perspective A new nationally representative survey of 500 health insurance agents and brokers working in the individual and small group markets by the Kaiser Family Foundation explores their outlook on market trends and views on the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The survey finds that many agents are seeing steep increases in premiums…
KFF Health Security Watch Delaying Health Care to Avoid Cost Common June 11, 2012 Perspective While economic challenges facing the country continue and the Supreme Court is deciding the fate of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), May’s Health Tracking Poll finds that the problems and concerns related to health care costs and access are wide-spread. A quarter report they have had problems paying medical bills in…
Pulling it Together: Duals: The National Health Reform Experiment We Should Be talking More About June 1, 2012 Perspective The Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and 26 states are moving to launch a large scale managed care demonstration project potentially involving millions of the poorest, sickest, most expensive Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries, the so-called dual eligibles. The experiment is getting more and more attention from policy experts,…
May Kaiser Health Tracking Poll: Four in Ten Say Children and Young Adults Will Be Better Off May 31, 2012 Perspective While supporters and opponents of the Affordable Care Act wait for the Supreme Court to announce their decision, support for the law dipped slightly in May, with unfavorable views now outnumbering favorable ones (44 percent versus 37 percent). As in previous months, the public remains divided on whether the law…
JAMA Forum: The Future of Private Insurance May 4, 2012 Perspective “The Future of Private Insurance,” Larry Levitt’s May 2012 post for the JAMA Forum, is now online.
Pulling it Together: What We Know about Making the Case to the Public for Global Health May 3, 2012 Perspective Former Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, who is a member of our Board, recently published a column making the case very effectively for continued investments in global health. Today we released our latest national survey on attitudes towards global health, which uncovered important nuances about the argument for foreign aid…