Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, and Medicare for All December 20, 2015 Perspective In this column for The Wall Street Journal’s Think Tank, Drew Altman explores the differing positions of presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders on a single payer or Medicare-for-all health care system and whether Democratic voters consider it an important factor in the 2016 primaries.
Prescription Drugs’ Sizable Share of Health Spending December 13, 2015 Perspective In this column for The Wall Street Journal’s Think Tank, Drew Altman explains why prescription drug spending may be a larger share of health spending than most people think, depending on how you look at it.
What’s the Political Power of Those Newly Insured Under Obamacare? December 3, 2015 Perspective In this column for The Wall Street Journal’s Think Tank, Drew Altman takes a look at whether the 17 million people newly-insured since 2014 will make an impact in the first presidential election since Affordable Care Act enrollment began.
Why Painkiller Addiction and Abuse Are Rising Health-Care Priorities November 24, 2015 Perspective In this column for The Wall Street Journal’s Think Tank, Drew Altman uses new polling to explore why painkiller abuse and addiction is rising as a health issue among state and federal policymakers.
Health Care and the 2016 Debates November 11, 2015 Perspective In this column for The Wall Street Journal’s Think Tank, Drew Altman discusses the lack of attention to health in the primary debates and last week’s Democratic forum in South Carolina.
GOP Views of Medicaid Expansion Differ From Conventional Wisdom November 4, 2015 Perspective In this column for The Wall Street Journal’s Think Tank, Drew Altman examines Republican attitudes on Medicaid expansion in light of the election of Republican Matt Bevin as Kentucky’s next governor.
The Good and Bad of Those Ubiquitous Drug Ads October 28, 2015 Perspective In this column for The Wall Street Journal’s Think Tank, Drew Altman examines the public’s mixed views about prescription drug ads and their impact on prescribing patterns, based on a new survey.
Lessons Learned from Eight Years of Supporting Institutional to Community Transitions Through Medicaid’s Money Follows the Person Demonstration October 16, 2015 Perspective Since 2008, the Kaiser Family Foundation’s Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured has periodically surveyed state Money Follows the Person (MFP) programs, conducted state case studies, and profiled the experiences of individual MFP beneficiaries. Based on the information and data collected in our six surveys, we identify some lessons learned from MFP that could inform future Medicaid long-term services and supports rebalancing policies.
Covering the Remaining Uninsured: Not Just a Red-State Issue October 14, 2015 Perspective In this column for The Wall Street Journal’s Think Tank, Drew Altman explains why covering the nation’s remaining uninsured population is more than just a red state issue.
JAMA Forum: Why the Ruckus Over the Cadillac Plan Tax? October 14, 2015 Perspective Larry Levitt’s October 2015 post explains the terms of the much-debated Cadillac plan tax, how it is designed to reduce health costs, and how it could end up shifting more costs to workers.