Low-Wage Workers Feel the Pinch on Health Insurance

In this column for The Wall Street Journal’s Think Tank, Drew Altman explores how low-wage firms and their workers are faring in the employer-based health insurance market and how the Affordable Care Act may influence future trends.

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Calling in the Military to Fight Ebola

In this column for The Wall Street Journal’s Think Tank, Drew Altman discusses the President’s commitment of troops to combat the Ebola outbreak and explains the Department of Defense’s widespread role in global health activities.

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In Employer Health Insurance Costs, Stability Is the New Normal

In his latest column for The Wall Street Journal’s Think Tank, Drew Altman looks at the sharply slower growth in premiums for employer health benefits and what it might mean for the future of employer-sponsored coverage.

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The Media’s Challenge When the ACA Cools As a Political Story

In this column for The Wall Street Journal’s Think Tank, Drew Altman discusses how Obamacare has cooled as a political issue and the implications for media coverage of the health law.

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A Perilous Gap in Health Insurance Literacy

In this column for The Wall Street Journal’s Think Tank, Drew Altman discusses how progress in expanding coverage requires greater attention to the problem of health insurance literacy.

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JAMA Forum: A To-Do List for the New CEO of the Federal Health Insurance Marketplace

Larry Levitt’s July 2014 post at the JAMA Forum assesses early indications of how well the Affordable Care Act is working.

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