Sen. Mark Pryor Spotlights the Health Law’s Rx for Pre-Existing Illnesses

In a column for The Wall Street Journal’s Think Tank, Drew Altman explains why Senator Mark Pryor’s new campaign ad features the Affordable Care Act’s protections for people with pre-existing medical conditions, the somewhat forgotten “mega provision” of the law.

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Ebola in West Africa: Four Questions for the U.S. Response Going Forward

As of August 14, 2014, the Ebola virus has infected an estimated 1,975 individuals across four countries in West Africa, leading to 1,069 deaths (including three Americans). The official reported numbers, frightening as they are, likely vastly underestimate the true magnitude of the outbreak. Ebola has severely impacted the daily…

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How Obamacare Is Doing Better But Feeling Worse

In his latest column for The Wall Street Journal’s Think Tank, Drew Altman explains why even as there are recent positive indicators of the Affordable Care Act’s performance and impact, public opinion about the law has not changed since passage of the law.

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One Year into Duals Demo Enrollment: Early Expectations Meet Reality

One year into initial enrollment in the Medicare-Medicaid financial alignment demonstrations for dual eligible beneficiaries, some initial insights are beginning to emerge. This policy insight highlights key challenges and trends emerging in states’ demonstrations.

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A Closer Look at the Courts’ Impact on Health Policy

In his latest column for The Wall Street Journal’s Think Tank, Drew Altman maps what the combined impact of the Supreme Court decision on the Affordable Care Act’s Medicaid expansion and a plaintiff’s win in Halbig would look like and discusses the impact of court decisions on health policy.

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3 Takeaways From the Medicare Trustees Report

In his latest column for The Wall Street Journal’s Think Tank, Drew Altman dives into this week’s release of the Social Security and Medicare Trustees Report to discuss the good news that may have been missed.

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