A Comparative Analysis of Affected Residents’ Views of the Response to Hurricanes Maria, Harvey and Katrina

Drew Altman compares residents’ views of hurricane-recovery efforts based on five surveys of residents affected by Hurricanes Maria, Harvey and Katrina.

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It’s Not Just the Uninsured — It’s Also the Cost of Health Care

The number of uninsured is down. Health spending has moderated. But health is on the public’s mind. Drew Altman helps explain why in this Axios column.

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The Health Care Surge: Why It’s Rising as a Midterms Issue

In this Axios column, Drew Altman says health care is a bigger factor for Democrats now than it was for Republicans in recent elections, and could be as big a factor for Democrats and independents as Donald Trump is in the midterms.

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The Big Warning in the Kentucky Medicaid Decision

In this Axios column, Drew Altman examines the potential implications of the Kentucky Medicaid waiver case for other states and future waivers.

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Health Affairs Blog: The Myth Of The Abortion Insurance Rider

In a Health Affairs blog post, Laurie Sobel, Caroline Rosenzweig and Alina Salganicoff of the Kaiser Family Foundation discuss the feasibility of abortion riders to private group and individual health plans as a means of providing access to abortion coverage when states ban the coverage as part of an insurance plan.…

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JAMA Forum: The Looming Legal and Political Fights Over Pre-Existing Condition Protections

In this June 2018 post for The JAMA Forum, Larry Levitt examines the potential impact of the Trump Administration’s legal challenge to the Affordable Care Act’s protections for people with pre-existing conditions.

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