Health Care Gives Democrats a Modest Edge with Senior Voters

Drew Altman analyzes the senior health care vote in his Axios column. This group, most likely to vote in the midterms, has more Democrats than Republicans and trusts Democrats more on health. They will give Democrats a real but modest advantage in the election.

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The Role Health Is and Is Not Playing in the Midterms

With less than two weeks until Election Day, Drew Altman discusses health being the top issue, but not necessarily the top factor in voters’ 2018 decisions. He says the longer-term impact of health may be its continuing role in the debate leading up to the 2020 presidential race.

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JAMA Forum: What Does it Mean to Protect People with Preexisting Conditions?

In this June 2018 post for The JAMA Forum, Larry Levitt examines the potential impact of the Trump Administration’s legal challenge to the Affordable Care Act’s protections for people with pre-existing conditions.

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Narrow Health Care Networks Aren’t Actually That Common

In this Axios column, Drew Altman shows that unlike the individual market, narrow networks are not common in the much larger group market, and discusses why and why it matters.

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Corporate health costs don’t look like a crisis

n this Axios column, Drew Altman presents a puzzle around corporate health costs: companies are talking like there is a crisis, but new data doesn’t really show it.

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Surprise Medical Bills Could be a Powerful Campaign Issue

In this Axios column, Drew Altman discusses why surprise medical bills could be a powerful campaign issue.

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