For Low-Income People, Employer Health Coverage is Worse Than ACA

In this Axios column, Drew Altman shows that employer coverage for lower wage workers is much worse than ACA marketplace coverage for similar populations. It’s a bigger problem we need to talk about more, he says.

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Trump is Reading the Base Wrong on the Affordable Care Act

In this Axios column,  co-written with MollyAnn Brodie, Drew Altman discusses GOP voters’ more nuanced views on the health law.

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The Winning Health Care Message Will Be About Out of Pocket Costs

Drew Altman analyzes health care messaging, concluding that its aimed mainly at activists in the base on both sides, and that the “The winning health care message will be about out of pocket costs,” in this Axios column.

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Health Care Spending is More Than Just the Parts You See

In this Axios column, Drew Altman looks at total family spending for health including taxes and health benefits, and why people need to understand it to assess proposals like Medicare-for-All.

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The Quiet, Steady Rise of Employer Health Coverage

This Drew Altman column in Axios reveals an uptick in the number of Americans with employer coverage, and discusses the implications for policy and politics. 

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Militaries and Global Health: Peace, Conflict, and Disaster Response

In this article for The Lancet, KFF’s Joshua Michaud and Kellie Moss, and 11 co-authors examine the varied roles, responsibilities, and approaches of militaries in global health, drawing on examples and case studies across peacetime, conflict, and disaster response environments.

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