The Affordable Care Act’s Enduring Resilience

In this article in the Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, Larry Levitt examines the Affordable Care Act 10 years after it’s enactment. The article notes that the law has taken numerous blows, yet due to its policy design and the political forces it has unleashed, the law has shown remarkable resilience.

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It May Be Time To Waive Patients’ Costs for Coronavirus Treatment

Drew Altman looks at the numbers for COVID-19 treatment, and why it may soon be necessary for Congress to waive out-of-pocket costs for treatment.

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Even Supporters May Not Understand Medicare-for-All

In this Axios column, Drew Altman shows that the majority of supporters don’t know how Medicare-for-all works, with both positive and negative implications for support if they knew more.

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Tracking the Role of Health Care in the 2020 Election: What Do The Polls Tell Us

In this February 2020 post for The JAMA Health Forum, Mollyann Brodie and Ashley Kirzinger examine the role health care has played in the primary election to date, what the polling data says about the issue, including Medicare-for-all and a public option, and what to expect from the issue during the rest of the 2020 election campaign.

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Republican Voters Have Moved On from Hating the ACA

In this Axios column, Drew Altman analyzes KFF’s tracking poll and shows that the ACA is now yesterday’s issue for Republicans. They have shifted their sights to Medicare-for-all…at least for this election season.

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What Iowa and New Hampshire tell us about Medicare-for-All

In this Axios column, Drew Altman analyzes data from the New Hampshire exit poll showing that support for Medicare-for-all played a role in the primary while broader support for a more moderate plan may be a signal about the general election.

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