Drugs Aren’t the Reason the U.S. Spends So Much on Health Care

Drew Altman’s column in Axios: the U.S. now spends twice per capita what other wealthy countries do on health care. But while drug costs get all the time in public debate, it’s hospital and outpatient spending that mostly explains the difference. And that will be impossible to take on without real pain and political risk, he says.

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What Will Candidates Say About Medicare This Election?

In this article for the American Society of Aging’s Generations Today, KFF Senior Vice President Tricia Neuman examines what President Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden are saying about key issues for Medicare beneficiaries, including drug prices and affordability, as well as what they aren’t saying about Medicare’s financing.

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Biden vs Trump on Health With Swing Voters

Drawing on newly released KFF/Cook Political Report polling in key Sun Belt states, Drew Altman discusses how the 2020 election is more about President Trump but issues do matter. He says that swing voters in Florida, Arizona and North Carolina prefer Joe Biden over President Trump on more issues including health care and the coronavirus, but President Trump has the edge on their top issue, the economy. 

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JAMA Forum: Trump vs Biden on Health Care

In this September 2020 post for The JAMA Health Forum, Larry Levitt highlights differences in the records and policy plans of President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden on key health care issues.

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Drew Altman: Pharmacies, Not the Military, Will Handle COVID-19 Vaccinations

President Trump has conjured up the image of a top general and the military delivering the coronavirus vaccine drawing on their vast logistical experience. In his latest Axios column, Drew Altman explains why vaccine realities will dictate that it’s much more likely to be at your local Walgreens or CVS pharmacy.

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The independent source for health policy research, polling, and news, KFF is a nonprofit organization based in San Francisco, California.