COVID-19 Is Causing Health Spending To Go Down

New analysis from Drew Altman in his latest Axios column on the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on national health spending.

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The Exit Polls Show The Need To Confront COVID-19 Denial in Red America

Drew Altman analyzes the exit polls in his latest Axios column. While Biden voters see COVID-19 as a top priority, Trump supporters are still largely pandemic deniers, echoing the President.

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A Year of Crisis: How COVID-19 Upended the Election’s Focus on Health Care Policy—Or Did It?

In this post, Ashley Kirzinger and Mollyann Brodie examine how the COVID-19 pandemic and other crises shook up the mix of issues voters care about without changing the 2020 presidential race’s core dynamic as a referendum on President Trump’s first term in office.

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Want to protect people with preexisting conditions? You need the full Affordable Care Act.

In this perspective published by the Washington Post, KFF Executive Vice President for Health Policy Larry Levitt explains why the popular Affordable Care Act provisions that ensure people with pre-existing conditions can access affordable health insurance can’t easily be preserved if other related provisions are overturned.

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Joe Biden’s Big Lead on Health Care Issues

In an Axios column, Drew Altman discusses how this election year health isn’t a single issue — but several — and Joe Biden has the edge over President Trump on all of them, even as opposition to the ACA remains popular with Trump’s base.  

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Black Americans Are More Skeptical of a Coronavirus Vaccine

Drew Altman discusses how systemic racism has led to striking levels of reluctance to get a COVID-19 vaccine among Black Americans, including those at highest risk, and the challenge it presents for ending the pandemic.

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The independent source for health policy research, polling, and news, KFF is a nonprofit organization based in San Francisco, California.