In Wake of Dallas, Minnesota and Baton Rouge Shootings, an Opening for Local Leaders July 8, 2016 Perspective In this The Wall Street Journal Think Tank column, Drew Altman discusses how incidents in Dallas, Baton Rouge and Minnesota create opportunities for local leaders to take steps to reduce police-involved violence, citing data from the KFF-CNN survey of Americans on Race and KFF-New York Times Survey of Chicago Residents.
The Next Big Debate in Health Care June 30, 2016 Perspective In this Wall Street Journal Think Tank column, Drew Altman discusses why adequacy of health coverage will rise as an issue when the political world moves on from its focus on the Affordable Care Act.
Will House Republican Health Proposal and Trustees’ Report Make Medicare a Factor in Election? June 24, 2016 Perspective In this Wall Street Journal Think Tank column, Drew Altman discusses Medicare having a low profile this campaign season, and whether the House Republican health reform plan and Medicare trustees’ report this week will push it more into the spotlight as an issue.
Questions to Ask About the House Republican Health Reform Proposal June 20, 2016 Perspective In this column for The Wall Street Journal’s Think Tank, Drew Altman discusses the critical issues to look for and questions to ask about the U.S. House task force health reform outline due out this week.
The Fundamentally Different Goals of the Affordable Care Act and Republican Replacement Plans June 7, 2016 Perspective Drew Altman discusses Republican and Democratic health reform objectives, and why GOP proposals and the Affordable Care Act are better understood as policies with very different goals, trade-offs and consequences.
Why Today’s Poll Numbers on Health Proposals Are Bound to Change May 24, 2016 Perspective Drew Altman discusses how public opinion can change as health proposals move from the idea stage to real legislative debates in this Wall Street Journal Think Tank column.
Two Studies Draw Different Conclusions on State of Black America May 13, 2016 Perspective In this column for The Wall Street Journal’s Think Tank, Drew Altman discusses how studies with conflicting views of progress and problems for African Americans can both be true, and why African Americans may feel the problems more than the progress.
5 things to know about Obamacare’s (likely) premium hikes May 11, 2016 Perspective In this guest column for VOX, the Kaiser Family Foundation’s Larry Levitt examines several key factors behind the expected premium rate increases for the Affordable Care Act’s marketplace plans in 2017 and what they mean for the stability of the marketplace.
Partisanship’s Grip On The Affordable Care Act May 10, 2016 Perspective In this Wall Street Journal’s Think Tank column Drew Altman analyzes data from an upcoming Kaiser poll and discusses how partisanship is the dominant factor shaping views of the Affordable Care Act for Republicans and Democrats enrolled in marketplace plans.
Clinton-Sanders Contest Fuels Democratic Support for Expanding Obamacare May 1, 2016 Perspective In this column for The Wall Street Journal’s Think Tank, Drew Altman discusses how the debate between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders about how to get to universal coverage has generated more support among Democrats for expanding the Affordable Care Act (and less support for the law as is).