Patient and Consumer Protections

Prior Authorization
  • Final Prior Authorization Rules Look to Streamline the Process, but Issues Remain

    This brief examines the final CMS regulations governing prior authorization in Medicare Advantage, Marketplace, Medicaid, and other plans, how they might address some current consumer concerns, and some issues that remain.

  • Medicare Advantage Insurers And Prior Authorization Determinations

    Nearly 50 million prior authorization requests were submitted to Medicare Advantage insurers on behalf of Medicare Advantage enrollees in 2023, of which 3.2 million (6.4%) were denied. Just 11.7% of denied requests were appealed, though 81.7% of appeals overturned the initial denial in Medicare Advantage. Substantially fewer prior authorization requests were made in traditional Medicare, reflecting the small number of services subject to prior authorization requirements.

  • The Health Wonk Shop: Prior Authorization in Health Insurance

     Nearly 1 in 5 consumers with health insurance say their insurer delayed or denied care in the past year due to its requirements for prior authorization, a process through which insurers can require patients to obtain approval in advance before they will agree to cover specific services. Insurers point to prior authorization asMore

  • Consumer Problems with Prior Authorization: Evidence from KFF Survey

    This Data Note highlights findings from the KFF Consumer Survey on problems consumers have experienced with prior authorization requirements. Overall, those with Medicaid, those who are higher utilizers of care encountered more problems with prior authorization over the past year.

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