Section 1115 Medicaid demonstration waivers offer states an avenue to test new approaches in Medicaid that differ from what is required by federal statute, if [in the HHS Secretary’s view] the approach is likely to “promote the objectives of the Medicaid program.” They can provide states additional flexibility in how they operate their programs, beyond the considerable flexibility that is available under current law. Waivers generally reflect priorities identified by states as well as changing priorities from one presidential administration to another. Nearly all states have at least one active Section 1115 waiver and some states have multiple 1115 waivers. See the “Key Themes Maps” tab for a discussion of recent waiver trends.

This page tracks approved and pending Section 1115 waiver provisions (including expansions and restrictions) related to eligibility, benefits, and social determinants of health and other delivery system reforms, once such waivers are posted to the state waivers list on For more information on inclusion criteria and on each provision, as well as a list of acronyms, see the Definitions tab.

Detailed Topic Tables

Aggregate State Tables


Waivers with Eligibility Changes

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Waivers with Benefit Changes

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Waivers with SDOH & Other DSR Changes

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All Approved Waivers by Topic

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All Pending Waivers by Topic

(back to top)

Key Themes Maps

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