These fact sheets from the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured provide basic information about Medicaid, children’s coverage and the uninsured
Medicaid: Basics
Medicaid Matters: Understanding Medicaid’s Role in Our Health Care System
5 Key Questions and Answers About Medicaid
The Medicaid Program At a Glance
Visualizing Health Policy Infographic–Medicaid: Its Role Today and Under the Affordable Care Act
Medicaid Beneficiaries and Access to Care
Medicaid and Long-Term Services and Supports
Dual Eligibles: Medicaid’s Role for Low-Income Medicare Beneficiaries
The Role of Medicaid for Adults With Chronic Illnesses
Medicaid’s Role for Hispanic Americans
Medicaid’s Role for Black Americans
Why Does Medicaid Spending Vary Across States: A Chart Book of Factors Driving State Spending
Health Coverage of Children: The Role of Medicaid and CHIP
Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009
Medicaid: Eligibility, Spending and Financing
Five Key Questions About Medicaid And Its Role in State/Federal Budgets and Health Reform
Medicaid Spending Growth and the Great Recession, 2007-2009
Where Are States Today? Medicaid and CHIP Eligibility Levels for Children and Non-Disabled Adults
State Fiscal Conditions and Medicaid
Decoding Medicaid Care Delivery and Financing Models: A Glossary of Widely Used Terms
The Uninsured and the Safety Net
Five Basic Facts on the Uninsured
The Uninsured and the Difference Health Insurance Makes