U.N. HLM On TB Constitutes Missed Opportunity To Accelerate SDG

The Lancet Infectious Diseases: Tuberculosis at the United Nations: a missed chance
Editorial Board

“…The purpose of the [U.N. High-Level Meeting on Tuberculosis] was to provide a platform for high-level leaders to reaffirm their commitment to accelerate efforts towards the Sustainable Development Goal of ending the tuberculosis epidemic by 2030, but the outcome was unsatisfactory. … Looking closely at the final endorsed version of the political declaration on tuberculosis … shows that only two quantifiable short-term objectives are mentioned: commitment to provide diagnosis and treatment with the aim of successfully treating 40 million people with tuberculosis from 2018 to 2022, including 3.5 million children; and provision of preventive treatment for 30 million people by 2022. How these targets will be met, where the money and infrastructural strengthening will come from, and what individual countries will need to do to achieve those goals was not clearly defined. … The reality is that — despite some nice words on paper — a valuable opportunity to galvanize tuberculosis control has been missed” (November 2018).

The KFF Daily Global Health Policy Report summarized news and information on global health policy from hundreds of sources, from May 2009 through December 2020. All summaries are archived and available via search.

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