Opinion Piece Discusses China’s One-Child Policy, Implications Of Gene-Editing Technology
New York Times: Before the Claims of Crispr Babies, There Was China’s One-Child Policy
Mei Fong, author
“…[W]hen it comes to gene editing and designer babies, [China] has an extra advantage: a population that has been conditioned to manipulating reproduction as a tool for progress. I’m referring, of course, to the three decades of family-planning rules known as the one-child policy. … China’s unprecedented reproductive experiment, officially ended in 2015 although many restrictions continue, has created a people accustomed — in many cases, forcibly so — to controlling the number and gender of their offspring. The one-child policy was established ostensibly to curb population growth, but China’s leaders were not shy about exhorting the country’s people to reduce quantity to improve quality, shading the policy with eugenic undertones. … From all this to ‘designer babies’ is not so great a leap. An openness to gene editing’s worst excesses may prove to be the one-child policy’s most unfortunate legacy…” (11/28).
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