AFP: Half C.Africa population needs humanitarian aid: U.N. (1/21).

Borgen Magazine: The End Neglected Tropical Diseases Act (Frazer, 1/22).

CNBC: Tracking Africa’s development outcomes (1/22).

Devex: Sierra Leone’s plans to improve education — one meal at a time (Ravelo, 1/22).

Devex: Europe’s Africa strategy déjà vu (Chadwick, 1/22).

New Humanitarian: In eastern Burkina Faso, spreading violence and little international aid (Mednick, 1/21).

NPR: How Much Should The Public Be Told About Research Into Risky Viruses? (Greenfieldboyce, 1/21).

Thomson Reuters Foundation: Guatemala’s children bear brunt of prolonged drought and rising heat (Moloney, 1/21).

The KFF Daily Global Health Policy Report summarized news and information on global health policy from hundreds of sources, from May 2009 through December 2020. All summaries are archived and available via search.

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