CIDRAP News: Four new polio cases in Pakistan as study tackles partial-dose vaccination (Schnirring, 5/17).

Devex: What role should donors play in helping drones for delivery take flight? (Cheney, 5/20).

Devex: E.U. states meet on youth, Sahel, but ministers stay home (Chadwick, 5/17).

Financial Times: Gates-backed computing platform raises $110m for new drug push (Kuchler, 5/19).

Global Health NOW: Public Health’s Precarious Nature (Simpson, 5/17).

The Guardian: The man with a tablet for making aid to African countries better (Austin, 5/20).

The Guardian: U.S. pastor runs network giving 50,000 Ugandans bleach-based ‘miracle cure’ (Pilkington/Mwesigwa, 5/18).

The Guardian: Revealed: air pollution may be damaging ‘every organ in the body’ (Carrington, 5/17).

Inter Press Service: Stop The War on Children (Yakupitiyage, 5/17).

NPR: Measles Outbreak In The Philippines (Beaubien, 5/19).

NPR: The Unanswered Questions About Anthrax (Schreiber, 5/17).

U.N. News: Promoting ‘a healthy sustainable future,’ the U.N. health agency engages young and young at heart to ‘Walk the Talk’ (5/19).

The KFF Daily Global Health Policy Report summarized news and information on global health policy from hundreds of sources, from May 2009 through December 2020. All summaries are archived and available via search.

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