More News In Global Health

The Atlantic: ‘She’s Not a Woman. She Doesn’t Have a Child.’ (Szynol, 2/13).

Devex: Disability inclusive health care has mountains to climb (Rogers, 2/13).

Inter Press Service: How Devastating is Climate Change for World Peace & Security? (Deen, 2/13).

IRIN: Briefing: How the Rohingya crisis in Bangladesh is changing (Loy, 2/13).

Reuters: Singapore police say American accused of leaking HIV data ‘pathological liar’ (2/13).

The Telegraph: New outbreak of deadly ‘camel flu’ reported in Oman (Gulland, 2/13).

The Telegraph: WHO scrambles to contain growing Lassa fever outbreak in West Africa (Blomfield, 2/13).

Thomson Reuters Foundation: Lawmaker who changed Jordan’s rape law takes on child marriage (Kanso, 2/12).

Xinhua News: WHO seeks 43.5 mln USD for urgent health aid in Libya in 2019 (2/14).

The KFF Daily Global Health Policy Report summarized news and information on global health policy from hundreds of sources, from May 2009 through December 2020. All summaries are archived and available via search.

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