Devex: Moving beyond a ‘flush and forget’ mindset in India (Saldinger, 11/19).

Devex: Long Story Short #36: The future of family planning (11/16).

Financial Times: Big Tobacco prepares to fight proposed ban on menthol cigarettes (Gray/Edgecliffe-Johnson, 11/17).

Reuters: World Bank re-engages Tanzania on scrapped education plan (Dausen/Mohammed, 11/18).

U.N. News: UNICEF welcomes Bangladesh statement that Rohingya will not be forced to leave (11/16).

Women’s Advancement Deeply: For First Time in Decades, Liberia’s Taps Are No Longer Running Dry (Thomas, 11/12).

Xinhua News: China Focus: China’s “Toilet Revolution” brings better sanitation to rural schools (11/18).

Xinhua News: Zika virus may cause growth delay, memory impairment: study (11/17).

Xinhua News: Laos vows to eliminate malaria by 2030: deputy health minister (11/16).

The KFF Daily Global Health Policy Report summarized news and information on global health policy from hundreds of sources, from May 2009 through December 2020. All summaries are archived and available via search.

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