Associated Press: A look at Zika and its link to microcephaly (DiLorenzo, 6/6).

Devex: Q&A: Striking a balance between patients and profit (6/5).

The Guardian: David Miliband: world must step up support for Rohingya refugees (Watt, 6/5).

The Guardian: ‘Police never turned up’: El Salvador’s devastating epidemic of femicide (Griffin, 6/6).

Reuters: Scientists map genetic codes of 3,000 dangerous bacteria (Kelland, 6/6).

U.N. News: ‘Spotlight Initiative’ can make violence against women a thing of the past, says U.N. deputy chief (6/5).

U.N. News: Science, technology and innovation crucial to ‘transformative impact’ of Global Goals, U.N. forum hears (6/5).

VOA News: Challenges Hamper Polio Eradication in Pakistan (Khan, 6/4).

Xinhua News: Maternal death toll surpasses malaria, TB in West Africa (6/6).

Xinhua News: Kenya launches population-based HIV impact survey (6/5).

The KFF Daily Global Health Policy Report summarized news and information on global health policy from hundreds of sources, from May 2009 through December 2020. All summaries are archived and available via search.

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