Project Syndicate: An Earnest Proposal for Tackling AMR
Jim O’Neill, chair of Chatham House

“…[I]t is time for the U.K. to join with pharmaceutical companies in piloting a new model of finance for investment in research and development of new antibiotics. … [W]hen the right conditions are put in place, there can indeed be a market for developing new antibiotics. Better yet, we still have other ways to strengthen incentives. … There are now a number of academic studies showing that a $1 billion annual prize could bring a host of new antibiotics down the pipeline in the coming years. … [N]ow is the time to introduce a market-entry reward. … Assuming that everyone is on board, I would propose that instead of expecting the government to put up the whole $1 billion for a market-entry reward — and in order to avoid inviting a revocation of industry-friendly regulations — British pharmaceutical companies should come together to contribute 50 percent. Imagine how encouraging it would be to see industry leaders standing next to the prime minister to announce the roll-out of a jointly financed award for the creation of life-saving antibiotics…” (11/2).

The KFF Daily Global Health Policy Report summarized news and information on global health policy from hundreds of sources, from May 2009 through December 2020. All summaries are archived and available via search.

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