HuffPost Examines U.S., Advocates’ Positions On TRIPS Flexibilities In U.N. Draft Declaration On TB
HuffPost: Global Health Community Says The U.S. Is Picking Big Business Over Patients Again
“The global health community has once again found itself in a familiar position: fighting the U.S. on a policy previously seen as a no-brainer. … Despite being the top single-country funder by far in the worldwide fight against TB, the U.S. is on the defensive as other member nations push standard access-to-treatment language in a proposed declaration on fighting TB. Echoing recent moves by the U.S. delegation — such as its resistance to a breastfeeding resolution this year, and lesser-known fights over livestock antibiotics and sugary-drink taxes — the U.S. has ended up taking a solitary stand for the pharmaceutical industry over TB patients, experts say…” (Weber, 7/26).
The KFF Daily Global Health Policy Report summarized news and information on global health policy from hundreds of sources, from May 2009 through December 2020. All summaries are archived and available via search.