Global Fund To Transfer Management Of HIV/AIDS Grant In Mali After Investigation Finds Misuse Of Funds
“The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria will transfer management of a $28.77 million HIV/AIDS grant from Mali’s national AIDS council, the Haut Conseil de Lutte contre le Sida (the High Council for the Fight Against AIDS, or HCLNS), to a new principal recipient at the end of the year” after mismanagement of funds was discovered in the country, a Global Fund press release reports (10/19). “The Global Fund said in a statement that it will suspend funding all but essential services under the grant until a new structure can be found to manage the money,” the Associated Press writes (Vogl, 10/19).
“The Global Fund has asked Mali’s Country Coordinating Mechanism, which represents the Global Fund’s partners in the country, to identify a new principal recipient to manage the second phase of the grant, which would normally run for a further three years,” the press release notes, adding, “The Global Fund has asked for the return of the misused funds.” According to the press release, “This is the latest in a series of actions the Global Fund has taken to restore confidence in grant management in Mali after mismanagement of funds was discovered” (10/19).
The KFF Daily Global Health Policy Report summarized news and information on global health policy from hundreds of sources, from May 2009 through December 2020. All summaries are archived and available via search.