Focus On Municipal Sanitation, Hospital Hygiene Can Help Stem Antimicrobial Resistance, Report Says
Media sources discuss a new report from the Review on Antimicrobial Resistance titled, “Infection prevention, surveillance and control: limiting the development and spread of drug resistance.”
National Geographic: To Slow Down Antibiotic Resistance, Focus on the Basics
“A project chartered by the British government, which has been examining everything that can be done to stem the tide of antibiotic resistance, in its next-to-last report has focused on the basics: municipal sanitation and hospital hygiene…” (McKenna, 3/22).
Xinhua News: Global coordination needed to tackle AMR: report
“…The report … is the last in a series of interim reports by the Review, before it presents its final recommendations to the British prime minister in May, and will set out a package of actions to tackle drug-resistant infections globally. It makes the case that many countries made the greatest progress in tackling infectious diseases in the 19th century, long before modern antimicrobial drugs were available, by focusing on disease prevention and investing in public sanitation infrastructure. Such an approach is still vital today, said the report…” (3/22).
The KFF Daily Global Health Policy Report summarized news and information on global health policy from hundreds of sources, from May 2009 through December 2020. All summaries are archived and available via search.