Ensuring Food Security Requires Building Resilient Global Food System
New York Times: Extreme Weather and Food Shocks
Tim Benton, academic director of the Global Security Program and professor of population ecology at the University of Leeds, and Rob Bailey, research director for energy, environment, and resources at Chatham House
“…The greatest challenge [in ensuring food security] will be to make the global food system far more resilient. … Recent multilateral efforts to improve the quality and availability of key market data, such as food stock levels, can help governments anticipate crises and avoid panic. But improved climate and economic modeling is needed to understand the risks and assess how best to manage them. Armed with this knowledge, governments, international organizations, and businesses could engage in contingency planning, set up early-warning systems, and coordinate the management of strategic stocks. … Taking smart and practical steps to ease the impact of our changing climate on our food supplies is vital if we are to ride out the droughts and storms that will impact our food prices” (9/8).
The KFF Daily Global Health Policy Report summarized news and information on global health policy from hundreds of sources, from May 2009 through December 2020. All summaries are archived and available via search.