Devex: Universal health coverage movement, alliance or partnership?
“…One of the targets under SDG 3 is to achieve universal health coverage, which helped garner support behind a proposal of creating a partnership — now with a wider set of players — that would boost efforts to achieve strong and resilient health systems to achieve UHC. The World Health Organization together with the World Bank, which hosts the [International Health Partnerships, or IHP+,] Secretariat, circulated a letter in March 2016 asking all 66 signatories to the partnership what they think of the idea of transforming IHP+ to cater to a UHC partnership. The answer, Devex has learned from a source close to the matter, was unanimous: Yes, we are in favor of expanding the IHP+’s mandate to accommodate these emerging priorities…” (Ravelo, 7/13).

The KFF Daily Global Health Policy Report summarized news and information on global health policy from hundreds of sources, from May 2009 through December 2020. All summaries are archived and available via search.

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