Blog Posts, Statements Address COVID-19 Issues
Africa is a Country: Beyond the Western gaze
George Kibala Bauer, Congolese-German economist and writer based in London (5/29).
BMJ Opinion: Treatments don’t work if we can’t afford them: the global need for open and equitable access to remdesivir
Jing Luo, assistant professor with the Division of General Internal Medicine at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, and colleagues (6/3).
Center for Global Development: As Global Health Players Pivot To COVID-19 Responses, We Need Coordinated, Real-Time, Formative Evaluations
Pippa Page, consultant for Itad, and colleagues (6/3).
European Commission: Coronavirus Global Response: European Commission pledges €300 million to Gavi (6/4).
International Committee of the Red Cross: Uniting for a people’s vaccine against Covid-19 (6/3).
Science Speaks: COVID-19: Disproportionate impacts on Latinx populations highlight how structural discrimination allows disease to spread
Guilamo-Ramos, vice chair of the Latino Commission on AIDS and director and founder of the Center for Latino Adolescent and Family Health (6/3).
U.N.: “The COVID-19 crisis is an opportunity to reimagine human mobility”
António Guterres, secretary general of the United Nations (6/3).
UNAIDS: UNAIDS collaborates with private sector in Eswatini to disseminate information on COVID-19 (6/4).
UNICEF: In Haiti, mother seeks to protect daughter from new coronavirus (6/3).
Wellcome: The vaccine journey: from idea to immunisation (6/3).
The KFF Daily Global Health Policy Report summarized news and information on global health policy from hundreds of sources, from May 2009 through December 2020. All summaries are archived and available via search.