SciDev.Net: Data gaps hide pockets of HIV
“Large pockets of HIV infection are not acknowledged, due to a lack of data on HIV occurrence and prevention efforts around the globe, a study [from AVAC] has found. In particular, existing data fail to account adequately for adolescent girls, young women, as well as homosexual men and transgender people in HIV/AIDS-affected countries, says the report issued last month…” (Vesper, 7/20).

Scientific American: Bill Gates Views Good Data as Key to Global Health
“…Bill Gates … has a well-established knack for sifting through complex data sets to find the right pathways for making progress around the globe in health, education, and economic development. Scientific American contributing editor W. Wayt Gibbs sat down with Gates to learn more about how he views the world…” (Gorman, 8/1).

The KFF Daily Global Health Policy Report summarized news and information on global health policy from hundreds of sources, from May 2009 through December 2020. All summaries are archived and available via search.

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