Money Follows the Person: A 2015 State Survey of Transitions, Services, and Costs
Carol V. Irvin et al., “Money Follows the Person 2012 Annual Evaluation Report,” Mathematica Policy Research (Oct. 15, 2013), available at
Terence Ng, Charlene Harrington, MaryBeth Musumeci, and Erica L. Reaves, Medicaid Home and Community-based Services Programs: 2011 Data Update (Washington, DC: KCMU, Dec. 2014), available at
For more information, see Molly O’Malley Watts, MaryBeth Musumeci, and Erica L. Reaves, How is the Affordable Care Act Leading to Changes in Medicaid Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) Today? State Adoption of Six LTSS Options (Washington, DC: KCMU, April 2013), available at; Medicaid Long-Term Services and Supports: An Overview of Funding Authorities (Washington, DC: KCMU, Sept. 2013), available at
Molly O’Malley Watts, Erica L. Reaves, and MaryBeth Musumeci, Medicaid Balancing Incentive Program: A Survey of Participating States (Washington, DC: KCMU, June 2015), available at