Health Coverage for Low-Income Americans: An Evidence-Based Approach to Public Policy
Health Coverage for Low-Income Americans: An Evidence-Based Approach to Public Policy
This report offers an evidence-based framework for developing public policy approaches to covering low-income Americans. The first part of the report is devoted to the question: What is the role for publicly sponsored health insurance? The second part turns to seven central issues in structuring a publicly sponsored health insurance program for the low-income population. The report outlines each of these issues, provides a detailed review of the relevant evidence from research, and provides a perspective. The report concludes by drawing together the perspectives so that the elements of a well-designed program of coverage for low-income Americans come more fully into view.
Full Report (.pdf)
Foreword and Introduction (.pdf)
What is the Role for Publicly Sponsored Health Insurance? (.pdf)
How Should Publicly Sponsored Health Insurance be Structured?
Eligibility (.pdf)
Participation (.pdf)
Use of Premiums (.pdf)
Scope of Benefits (.pdf)
Use of Cost-Sharing (.pdf)
Access to Care (.pdf)
Financing (.pdf)
Conclusion (.pdf)