Launch of “Heroes Project” for AIDS Awareness in India
Richard Gere and Parmeshwar Godrej launched the ‘Heroes Project’ with an aim to mobilize societal leaders and the media industry to fight HIV/AIDS in India. Healing the Divide has received a grant of up to $2.4 million over three years from Avahan, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s India AIDS initiative, and will implement the Heroes Project through the Gere Foundation India Trust. The Heroes Project also includes as partners the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, which has committed $250,000 in the first year towards production of public service announcements and will provide public health and information expertise towards the project, and Star India, which has generously committed an estimated $14 million in airtime through its media assets over the
three-year project.News Release — Richard Gere and Parmeshwar Godrej Launch the Heroes Project to Fight AIDS in India
View “Heroes Project” PSAs
Fans (Hindi) :30
Fans (English subtitles) :30
Dressing Room (Hindi) :30
Dressing Room (English) :30