Visualizing Health Policy: Medicare’s Role and Future Challenges November 28, 2012 Infographic November 2012 infographic in the Visualizing Health Policy series takes a look at Medicare—who it covers; the services its beneficiaries use; and the balance policymakers must strike between setting fair payments, keeping care affordable, and sustaining the program for future generations. See the full-size infographic at The Journal of the American Medical…
Transitions 2005 January 24, 2005 Video Transitions is a video that explores some of the issues and challenges “dual eligibles” may face during the transition from Medicaid drug coverage to Medicare. To download the video, right-click here and select “Save as…”
Transitions 2006 April 30, 2006 Video On January 1, 2006, the six million Americans who are covered by both Medicare and Medicaid saw a change in how their prescription drugs are covered. The dual eligible population was transitioned from Medicaid into the Medicare prescription drug benefit. As a group, these beneficiaries are poorer and sicker than…
Nursing Home Reform: Then and Now November 29, 2007 Video To mark the 20th anniversary of the passage of landmark federal legislation to improve the quality of nursing home care, the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987 (known as OBRA 87), this video examines the history surrounding the law. The video includes a look at the state of nursing home…
Women at Risk: A View from the Safety Net May 31, 2009 Video This video provides a snapshot of the Arlington (Va.) Free Clinic where, four times a month, medical personnel provide care and screenings exclusively to women. The video explores the hurdles that uninsured women face in accessing health care and the social issues, including work and family responsibilities, that create challenges…
Snapshots from the Kitchen Table: Family Budgets and Health Care February 1, 2009 Video This Kaiser Family Foundation documentary, “Snapshots from the Kitchen Table: Family Budgets and Health Care,” profiles several American families who are struggling to make ends meet. It depicts the narrow financial ledge on which millions of low- and middle- income working households stand even in normal economic times, and illustrates…
Medicaid Matters: Hearing from Families November 24, 2003 Video The Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured’s video Medicaid Matters: Hearing from Families profiles five families who have children covered by Medicaid. These five families reflect the diversity of those helped by Medicaid — families from all over the country of varying races/ethnicities, ages and sizes. Each family also illustrates a…
Profiles of Generation M(2) January 20, 2010 Video This video explores the powerful force that media can be in the lives of teens and tweens. The three young people who are profiled explain what types of media they use—such as smart phones, computers, TV, video games—how much time they spend with media and what impact it has on…
Global Health Interventions: A Review of the Evidence June 18, 2011 Interactive Global Health Interventions: A Review of Evidence (GHIR) provides policy-relevant and accessible information on the efficacy (the “what works”) of key global health interventions, including the strength of the evidence.
Visualizing Health Policy: The 2014 Ebola Outbreak October 7, 2014 Infographic This Visualizing Health Policy infographic provides a snapshot of the 2014 Ebola outbreak in West Africa. It includes key facts about the Ebola virus, shows how the number of Ebola cases in the current outbreak outstrips the case total from all previous Ebola outbreaks, and offers a summary of the…