Medicaid’s Role in Nursing Home Care June 20, 2017 Infographic This infographic highlights Medicaid’s role for nursing home care. It includes information about the nation’s growing long term care need and the role Medicaid plays as the primary payer for nursing home care. It also discusses the potential impact of proposals to limit federal Medicaid financing.
What’s at Stake with ACA Repeal? June 16, 2017 Interactive This interactive includes a map and tables that highlight the increases in health insurance coverage through Medicaid and the Marketplaces as well as the increased federal funding that resulted from the implementation of the ACA.
Medicaid’s Role for Seniors June 8, 2017 Infographic This infographic highlights Medicaid’s role for seniors. It includes information about the senior population and highlights Medicaid’s role in increasing access to and financing treatment, particularly for long-term care. It also discusses the potential impact of proposals to limit federal Medicaid financing.
Infographic: Medicaid’s Role for Children with Special Health Care Needs May 24, 2017 Infographic This infographic highlights Medicaid’s role in covering children with special health care needs and facilitating their access to health care.
Medicaid’s Role in Behavioral Health May 5, 2017 Infographic This infographic highlights Medicaid’s role in facilitating access to behavioral health treatment and the impact of potential reductions in federal Medicaid financing on behavioral health coverage and access to services.
Medicaid’s Role for Individuals with HIV April 18, 2017 Infographic This infographic provides information and statistics about individuals with HIV and Medicaid’s role in covering HIV services.
Visualizing Health Policy: U.S. Public Opinion on Health Care Reform, 2017 March 29, 2017 Infographic This Visualizing Health Policy infographic with JAMA spotlights public opinion on health reform in the United States as of 2017, including priorities and views of the Affordable Care Act (also known as Obamacare) and its provisions.
Medicaid’s Role: What’s at Stake Under a Block Grant or Per Capita Cap? February 23, 2017 Video This video provides an overview of the people covered by Medicaid and how Medicaid funds are distributed across enrollment groups and on a per enrollee basis. The video also highlights the implications of reducing federal Medicaid funds through a block grant or per capita cap.
Medicaid and Long-Term Care Quiz January 21, 2016 Quiz This 10-question quiz tests knowledge of Medicaid and long-term care.
Visualizing Health Policy: Experiences and Attitudes of Primary Care Practitioners After the ACA November 17, 2015 Infographic This infographic features the experiences and attitudes of primary care practitioners (PCPs) after the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA’s) coverage provisions took effect in early 2014.