A new Kaiser Family Foundation report finds 135 different U.S.-based non-governmental organizations (NGOs) received U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) funding in 2013 to implement U.S. global health programs on the ground. The report aims to shed light on the extent of the role of NGOs in carrying out U.S. global health programs. Ninety-one percent of the funding went to 20 NGOs.
NGOs received more than a third of the agency’s global health spending and carried out global health efforts in all major U.S. global health program areas, across 72 countries, and in multiple regions – though mainly in Africa, which had more NGOs than all other regions combined. NGO efforts related to HIV received the highest overall amount of funding and involved the largest number of NGOs, while NGO efforts related to family planning/reproductive health and maternal, newborn, and child health received the next highest amounts of funding and also involved large numbers of NGOs.
NGO Engagement in U.S. Global Health Efforts: U.S.-Based NGOs Receiving USG Support Through USAID is available on the Kaiser Family Foundation website.