House Appropriations Committee Approves the FY 2025 State and Foreign Operations (SFOPs) Appropriations Bill

The House Committee on Appropriations approved the FY 2025 State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs (SFOPs) appropriations bill and accompanying report on June 12, 2024. The SFOPs bill includes funding for U.S. global health programs at the State Department and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). Funding for these programs, through the Global Health Programs (GHP) account, which represents the bulk of global health assistance, totaled $9.3 billion, a decrease of $1.3 billion (-12%) below the FY 2024 enacted level and $559 million (-6%) below President Biden’s FY 2025 request. As compared to FY 2024 enacted levels, funding for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (Global Fund) and family planning and reproductive health (FP/RH) declined (the Global Fund decrease is related to a funding match requirement that limits the amount the U.S. can contribute — a cap of 33% of total contributions to the Global Fund for all other donors), while all other areas either remained flat or increased slightly; funding for global health security was not specified.[i]  The bill does not include funding for the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), World Health Organization (WHO), or Pan American Health Organization (PAHO). The bill also eliminates funding for the International Organizations & Programs (IO&P) account, which has historically been the source of U.S. contributions to the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF).[ii]

Policy provisions in the bill include:

See other budget summaries and the KFF budget tracker for details on historical annual appropriations for global health programs.

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[i] The explanatory statement accompanying the House FY25 SFOPs appropriations bill does not provide specific funding amounts for FP/RH or global health security (GHS) under the GHP account. After the funding amounts specified for all other areas (e.g., HIV, TB, MCH, etc.) are removed, $864.71 million remains under the GHP account at USAID, which is funding that could be used for FP/RH and GHS (or other areas as determined by the Administration). Since the House FY25 bill text states that “of the funds appropriated by this Act, not more than $461,000,000 may be made available for family planning/reproductive health” without specifying an account, it is possible the Administration could fund all or a portion of this amount through the GHP account with the remainder directed to GHS (or other areas as determined by the Administration). If the Administration funds the full $461 million through the GHP account, this could represent a significant decrease to GHS funding; if the Administration funds the full $461 million through non-GHP accounts, this could represent an increase to GHS funding.
[ii] It is possible that funding for UNICEF may be provided through another account.

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