AP: Afghans will need billions more in aid, as U.S. looks to leave (Faiez, 1/31).

Devex: MSF launches online course for humanitarians on medical abortion (Root, 1/31).

Devex: Q&A: Steps to making this the decade of delivery (1/31).

Devex: Local volunteers are vital to aid work — but don’t always get equal support (Smith, 1/30).

The Guardian: Drought leaves tens of thousands in Lesotho ‘one step from famine’ (Charumbira, 1/30).

The Lancet: African nations to criminalize falsified medicine trafficking (Adepoju, 2/1).

Refinery29: “This Is An Emergency”: 20 Leading Activists Unite To Call Out World Leaders (O’Sullivan, 1/30).

Reuters: In Senegal, online videos break silence over domestic abuse (Pujol-Mazzini et al., 1/31).

RICE: Living with HIV in Singapore: “The virus doesn’t kill. The stigma does” (Ping, 1/31).

The Telegraph: Motorbike gunmen kill two polio workers in Pakistan (Farmer, 1/30).

The KFF Daily Global Health Policy Report summarized news and information on global health policy from hundreds of sources, from May 2009 through December 2020. All summaries are archived and available via search.

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