What’s in the American Rescue Plan for COVID-19 Vaccine and Other Public Health Efforts? March 16, 2021 Blog This post provides summary of funding for COVID-19 vaccines and other public health efforts in the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021.
Medicaid Spending and Enrollment Trends Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic – Updated for FY 2021 & Looking Ahead to FY 2022 March 12, 2021 Issue Brief Even as the COVID-19 vaccine roll-out is accelerating across the country, the public health and economic effects of the pandemic continue to put pressure on Medicaid spending and enrollment. In mid-February 2021, the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) and Health Management Associates (HMA) fielded a two-part rapid, mini-survey of Medicaid directors in all 50 states and the District of Columbia as a follow-up to the annual Medicaid Budget Survey conducted last summer. This brief provides insights into the current status of Medicaid enrollment and spending trends in FY 2021 and state projections for FY 2022.
A Look at How Medicaid Agencies Are Assisting with the COVID-19 Vaccine Roll-Out March 12, 2021 Issue Brief As of February 2021, there are three COVID-19 vaccines approved for emergency use in the U.S. and states are playing a central role in their timely distribution and prioritizing eligible populations. Because Medicaid covers for over 77 million enrollees, including groups disproportionately at risk of contracting COVID-19 as well as hard-to-reach groups, Medicaid agencies can be important partners for the public health agencies that are typically leading the state COVID-19 vaccination efforts. This brief provides insights regarding how state Medicaid agencies are assisting with the COVID-19 vaccine roll-out including specific actions taken.
Majority Who Received First COVID Vaccine Dose at Community Health Centers Were People of Color March 11, 2021 Slide Just over half (54%) of people who received their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine from health centers were people of color, including 26% who were Hispanic and 12% who were Black. These shares are much higher than the shares of nationwide vaccinations. Learn more in this Chart of the Week.
KFF COVID-19 Vaccine Monitor: The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on LGBT People March 11, 2021 News Release The latest report from the KFF COVID-19 Vaccine Monitor examines how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people and finds that larger shares of LGBT adults report economic losses and mental health struggles than their non-LGBT counterparts. Based on data gathered on…
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on LGBT People March 11, 2021 Poll Finding This analysis examines the reported experiences among self-identified LGBT individuals based two months of KFF COVID-19 Vaccine Monitor reports and finds that LGBT people have experienced the COVID-19 pandemic differently than non-LGBT people, including being harder hit in some areas.
Updated KFF Calculator Estimates Marketplace Premiums to Reflect Expanded Tax Credits in COVID-19 Relief Legislation March 10, 2021 News Release KFF has updated its 2021 Health Insurance Marketplace Calculator to reflect the expanded premium tax credits available to people who purchase their own coverage through their state’s health insurance exchange as passed by Congress in the American Rescue Plan Act and expected to be signed into law soon. The calculator…
Early COVID-19 Vaccination Efforts Through Community Health Centers Are Reaching People of Color March 10, 2021 News Release More than half of those who received their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine through a community health center were people of color, suggesting that health centers appear to be doing a better job of reaching people of color than are overall vaccination efforts, finds a new KFF analysis. People of…
How are States Addressing Racial Equity in COVID-19 Vaccine Efforts? March 10, 2021 Issue Brief This brief reviews information available through state websites and publicly available vaccine distribution plans to provide greater insight into how states are addressing equity through vaccine allocation and distribution strategies, outreach and communications efforts, and data collection and reporting. It provides a snapshot and examples of state efforts in these areas.
KFF COVID-19 Vaccine Monitor Probes Americans’ Experiences Trying to Sign Up for a Vaccine and to Find Relevant Information March 9, 2021 News Release Many Relied on Another Person’s Help to Try to Get a Vaccine Appointment As many states and local authorities ramp up their COVID-19 vaccination efforts, the latest KFF COVID-19 Vaccine Monitor report provides the first in-depth look at Americans’ experiences trying to gather relevant information and sign up to get…