Health and Health Care Experiences of Hispanic Adults July 14, 2021 Poll Finding The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed and exacerbated longstanding underlying disparities in health and health care facing Hispanic people. Using data from the COVID-19 Vaccine Monitor, this report provides insights into the health care experiences of Hispanic adults and examines how they vary by key factors, including insurance and immigration status.
Vaccine Monitor: Some Who Were Hesitant to Get a Vaccine in January Say They Changed Their Mind Because of Family, Friends and Their Personal Doctors July 13, 2021 News Release A new KFF COVID-19 Vaccine Monitor report finds that people who were initially hesitant to get a vaccine in January but ultimately did so often say that family, friends and their personal doctors helped change their minds. The report features a second round of interviews with a nationally representative sample…
KFF COVID-19 Vaccine Monitor: In Their Own Words, Six Months Later July 13, 2021 Poll Finding This report features a second round of interviews with a nationally representative sample of adults six months after they first shared their vaccine intentions in January to assess whether or not they got a COVID-19 vaccine, the reasons behind their choice, and how they feel about their decision.
Medicaid Emergency Authority Tracker: Approved State Actions to Address COVID-19 July 1, 2021 Issue Brief States used a number of Medicaid emergency authorities to address the COVID-19 public health emergency. Between March 2020 and July 2021 we tracked details on Medicaid Disaster Relief State Plan Amendments (SPAs), other Medicaid and CHIP SPAs, and other state-reported administrative actions; Section 1115 Waivers; Section 1135 Waivers; and 1915 (c) Waiver Appendix K strategies. This resource was last updated July 1, 2021 and is no longer being updated.
Workers Are More Likely to Get a COVID-19 Vaccine When Their Employers Encourage It and Provide Paid Sick Leave, Though Most Workers Don’t Want Their Employers to Require It June 30, 2021 News Release A Third of Parents with Kids Ages 12-17 Report Their Kids Are Now Vaccinated; Most Parents Oppose Mandatory Vaccinations for School Children As more employers return to in-person work, the latest KFF COVID-19 Vaccine Monitor report shows that workers are more likely to have gotten a COVID-19 vaccine when their…
KFF COVID-19 Vaccine Monitor: June 2021 June 30, 2021 Poll Finding This report shows a slowdown in self-reported COVID-19 vaccination rates, with 65% of adults saying in June that they’ve gotten at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine. The report also examines the role of employers in encouraging and incentivizing workers to get vaccinated and parents’ vaccine intentions for their children.
Growth in Medicaid MCO Enrollment during the COVID-19 Pandemic June 24, 2021 Issue Brief This data note looks at state Medicaid managed care enrollment data through March 2021 to assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and economic crisis on Medicaid enrollment. Data collected for 29 states show that the rate of Medicaid managed care enrollment growth was 18.8% when comparing managed care enrollment from March 2020 through March 2021. The rate accelerated compared to March 2020 through September 2020 and reversed the trend seen from March 2019 to March 2020 when aggregate growth declined.
June 18 Web Event: Asian Immigrant Experiences with Racism, Immigration-related Fears, and the COVID-19 Pandemic June 18, 2021 Event While the country has collectively experienced health and economic difficulties with the COVID-19 pandemic, certain groups have experienced a disproportionate impact. The Asian American community has had to cope with the burden of pandemic-related racism and, as one of the fastest growing immigrant communities in the nation, immigration-related fears due…
Asian Immigrant Experiences with Racism, Immigration-Related Fears, and the COVID-19 Pandemic June 18, 2021 Issue Brief This brief provides insight into recent experiences with racism and discrimination, immigration-related fears, and impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic among Asian immigrant survey respondents at four community health centers.
Survey and Event Examine Experiences and Concerns of Asian Immigrants During COVID-19 Pandemic and Amid Rising Incidents of Anti-Asian Hate Crimes June 18, 2021 News Release A KFF survey of Asian patients at four community health centers serving a predominantly Asian, low-income population finds a third (33%) of them have felt more discrimination based on their race/ethnicity since the COVID-19 pandemic began. Respondents, 80% of whom were born outside the U.S., reported a range of negative…