Preventable Costs of Unvaccinated COVID-19 Patients Rise Sharply in August as Hospitalizations Surge September 14, 2021 News Release A surge in COVID-19 hospitalizations among people who have not been vaccinated in August is adding billions of dollars in preventable costs to the nation’s health-care system, an updated KFF analysis finds. In August, the new analysis estimates that the preventable costs of treating unvaccinated patients in hospitals total $3.7…
Views Of COVID-19 Vaccines Among LGBT Adults August 27, 2021 Poll Finding This new analysis examines the experiences of LGBT adults from the July COVID-19 Vaccine Monitor and finds that as a group they are more likely to be vaccinated for COVID-19 and less likely to view getting the vaccine as a health risk compared to non-LGBT adults. A larger share of LGBT adults than non-LGBT adults say they have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine (82% vs 66%) and are more supportive of vaccine mandates than non-LGBT adults.
Two New KFF Reports Take a Closer Look at the COVID-19 Pandemic and the LGBT Community, From the Impact on Mental Health to Vaccination Status August 27, 2021 News Release Two new KFF reports provide new and updated data on the experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people during the COVID-19 pandemic, featuring data showing the impact on mental health and COVID-19 Vaccine Monitor data on vaccine uptake within the community. The two reports add important context to…
How Have States Used Medicaid Emergency Authorities During COVID-19 and What Can We Learn? August 26, 2021 Issue Brief This brief summarizes how states have used Medicaid emergency authorities related to the COVID-19 PHE, providing potential lessons for future public health and economic crises.
New Campaign from THE CONVERSATION / LA CONVERSACIÓN about Kids and the COVID Vaccines August 25, 2021 News Release August 25, 2021 – THE CONVERSATION / LA CONVERSACIÓN expands to address questions about the COVID-19 vaccines and children with new FAQ videos featuring pediatricians. This installment of the campaign is produced by KFF (Kaiser Family Foundation) under its Greater Than COVID public information response and is presented with the…
Parents Report More Negative Pandemic Effects on Kids Who Attend School Virtually vs. In-Person August 20, 2021 Perspective In his latest Axios column, Drew Altman shows that parents feel that children have fared better during COVID attending school in-person than virtually in terms of academic performance and their mental health and wellbeing.
KFF COVID-19 Vaccine Monitor: The Impact Of The Coronavirus Pandemic On The Wellbeing Of Parents And Children August 19, 2021 Poll Finding This report examines the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the wellbeing of parents and children. It finds that more than one-third of parents say their child fell behind academically or in their social and emotional development as a result of the pandemic. This report also examines the mental health and wellbeing of parents whose household experienced an employment disruption due to childcare needs and of children who attended school at least partially online.
Four in Ten Parents of School-Aged Children Say a Child Fell Behind Academically Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic August 19, 2021 News Release Four in Ten Parents Say Someone in Their Household Left a Job or Worked Fewer Hours to Care for Their Children, Including Higher Shares of Black, Hispanic, and Lower-income Parents As a result of the pandemic, about four in ten (39%) parents of school-aged children (ages 5-17) say at least…
Most private insurers are no longer waiving cost-sharing for COVID-19 treatment August 19, 2021 Issue Brief This analysis finds nearly three quarters of the largest health plans in each state are no longer waiving enrollees’ cost-sharing requirements for COVID-19 treatment as of August 2021. Insurers largely waived those costs early in the pandemic, before safe and effetive vaccines were available.
Early 2021 Data Show No Rebound in Health Care Utilization August 17, 2021 Issue Brief This analysis finds hospital admissions remained below expected levels in early 2021, suggesting much of the care people put off during the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic may have been forgone altogether.