Racial Disparities in COVID-19: Key Findings from Available Data and Analysis
Appendix A
Table 1: Federal Data Sources on COVID-19 and Race/Ethnicity | |||
Source | Title | Description | Level |
Public Data from the Federal Government | |||
CDC | CDC COVID Data Tracker | Provides information on cases and deaths by race/ethnicity. Race/ethnicity data can also be stratified by age group (updated daily). | National |
CDC | Provisional Death Counts for Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) | Contains multiple data sets from the National Vital Statistics System’s COVID-19 Surveillance Data Files, including provisional death counts by race/ethnicity and deaths involving coronavirus by race/ethnicity and age (race data updated weekly). | State and National |
CDC | COVID-NET: COVID-19 Laboratory-Confirmed Hospitalizations | Summary of COVID-19 hospitalizations. In addition to race/ethnicity, figures are stratified by multiple demographic characteristics (updated biweekly). | National |
CMS | Preliminary Medicare COVID-19 Data Snapshot | Counts of Medicare beneficiaries of COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations by several measures, including race/ethnicity at the national level (updated monthly). | State and National |
HRSA | Health Center COVID-19 Survey | Rapid response survey of community health centers on a range of issues related to COVID-19, included testing data by race/ethnicity (updated weekly). | State and National |
Appendix B: References
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