Agence France-Presse: Abortion exclusion to U.S. aid threatens HIV battle: conference hears
“Scientists and activists warned Friday that anti-abortion conditions attached to U.S. [global health] aid under the Donald Trump administration threatened programs to halt the spread of HIV. [The conditions] deny U.S. aid to [foreign] organizations which provide abortion information, referrals, or services — even with their own money…” (7/27).

Globe Post: HIV Battle Under Threat From Trump Administration’s Abortion Policies
“… ‘Now, under the Trump administration, it applies to almost all U.S. global health bilateral assistance, including PEPFAR,’ [International AIDS Society (IAS) president-elect Anton Pozniak] told journalists on the final day of the 22nd International AIDS Conference in Amsterdam. ‘The reach of this policy has been greatly expanded, and has the potential to roll back progress on HIV’…” (7/27).

MedPage Today: Renewed ‘Global Gag Rule’ Called Threat to HIV Fight
“…Panelists at a press conference at the International AIDS Conference described how organizations will now have to either comply with these policies in order to accept PEPFAR support or decline to comply, and not receive PEPFAR aid. While the full impact of the policy may not be known for several years, researchers at the Kaiser Family Foundation attempted to put some numbers behind it…” (Walker, 7/28).

NBC News: Trump abortion ‘gag rule’ hurts AIDS fight, advocates say
“… ‘Our analysis indicated that the expanded policy will likely affect hundreds of NGOs,’ [Jennifer Kates of the Kaiser Family Foundation] said…” (Fox, 7/27).

The KFF Daily Global Health Policy Report summarized news and information on global health policy from hundreds of sources, from May 2009 through December 2020. All summaries are archived and available via search.

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