Uninsured and Untreated: A Look at Uninsured Adults Who Received No Medical Care for Two Years
With Medicaid set to expand under health reform, the program will begin to reach individuals who have previously had little interaction with the health care system. The data in this brief profile uninsured adults with incomes at or below 133 percent of the poverty level who, because of health reform, will be eligible for Medicaid in 2014 based on income. It focuses on those who received no medical care over a two-year period to help assess unmet need.
Of all the uninsured adults in this income group, 38 percent did not receive any medical care over two years. Identifying how uninsured adults with minimal ties to the health care system differ from other adults will allow outreach efforts to be tailored to those who are unlikely to hear about Medicaid through a health provider. Additionally, the data may be relevant when designing enrollment procedures and setting premiums and cost sharing.
Issue Brief (.pdf)