ACA Coverage Expansions and Low-Income Workers
Issue Brief
Elise Gould, 2014 Continues a 35-Year Trend of Broad-Based Wage Stagnation, (Washington, DC: Economic Policy Institute, February 2015). Available at:
Josh Bivens, Elise Gould, Lawrence Mishel and Heidi Shierholz, Raising America’s Pay: Why It’s Our Central Economic Policy Challenge, (Washington, DC, Economic Policy Institute, June 2014). Available at:
John Schmitt, Health-insurance Coverage for Low-wage Workers, 1979-2010 and Beyond, (February 2012). Available at:
Kaiser Family Foundation, Key Facts about the Uninsured Population, (October 5, 2015). Available at:
Samantha Artiga, Anthony Damico, Katherine Young, Elizabeth Cornachione, and Rachel Garfield. Health Coverage and Care for Immigrants. (Washington, DC: Kaiser Family Foundation, January 20, 2016). Available at:
Kaiser Family Foundation, Employer Responsibility Under the Affordable Care Act, (October 5, 2015). Available at:
Kaiser Family Foundation, 2015 Employer Health Benefit Survey, (September 22, 2015). Available at:
Internal Revenue Service, Employer Shared Responsibility Provisions, accessed December 15, 2015. Available at:
Five additional states have adopted the ACA Medicaid expansion since 2014, including Pennsylvania, Indiana, Alaska, Montana, and Louisiana. Wisconsin covers adults up to 100% FPL in Medicaid but did not adopt the ACA expansion.
The Kaiser Family Foundation, State Health Facts. Status of State Action on the Medicaid Expansion Decision, as of February 24, 2016. Available at:
Rachel Garfield and Katherine Young. Adults who Remained Uninsured at the End of 2014. (Washington, DC: Kaiser Family Foundation, January 2015). Available at:
In our analysis of eligibility for coverage for low-income workers, we define Medicaid expansion states as all states that have adopted the Medicaid expansion as of April 2016, including Louisiana.