More Than 120 U.N. Member States Sign U.S.-Drafted Pledge To Fight Global Drug Problem
Reuters: Some 129 countries sign up to Trump’s pledge at U.N. to fight drugs
“Some 129 countries at the United Nations signed on to a U.S.-drafted pledge to fight the global drug problem on Monday that U.S. President Donald Trump warned presented a public health and national security threat…” (Nichols/Mason, 9/24).
U.N. News: Global spotlight on world drug problem ‘is personal’ for many families, says U.N. chief
“The United Nations focused a global spotlight on the worldwide drug problem during a high-level counter-narcotics event on Monday … Drug addiction is ‘more than just a policy issue. It is personal,’ [Secretary-General António Guterres] said at the event, noting that ‘the reality is that drugs and addiction are not abstract issues’…” (9/24).
USA TODAY: Trump implores world leaders at United Nations to confront ‘scourge’ of drug addiction
“… ‘If we take these steps together we can save the lives of countless people in all corners of the world,’ Trump said during brief remarks to representatives from 130 countries. ‘All of us must work together to dismantle drug production and defeat drug addiction.’ Trump did not discuss specific actions he wanted other countries to take…” (Fritze/Shesgreen, 9/24).
VOA News: Trump in Call to Action Against Drugs
“…Trump also thanked the member countries of the United Nations Monday morning, saying U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres ‘has become a great friend and is doing a wonderful job on a complex situation, but a beautiful situation.’ … Guterres thanked Trump for his words and his initiative to combat the global drug problem, following his remarks Monday morning…” (9/24).
Washington Post: Why some U.S. allies didn’t sign up for Trump’s pledge to fight drugs
“…[T]here are 193 states in the United Nations. So why did 63 countries, including U.S. allies and major European nations like Spain, Germany, and the Netherlands, decline to sign? The clearest answer from a head of government came from New Zealand’s prime minister, Jacinda Ardern, who said this weekend that her country would not be signing the agreement. … ‘We have a number of challenges that are quite specific to New Zealand and the particular drugs that are present, but also on taking a health approach,’ Ardern said…” (Taylor, 9/24).
The KFF Daily Global Health Policy Report summarized news and information on global health policy from hundreds of sources, from May 2009 through December 2020. All summaries are archived and available via search.