Pakistan Health Officials Launch Polio Vaccine Effort
Pakistan health officials on Wednesday announced a three-day nationwide anti-polio vaccination campaign targeting the children of internally displaced persons camps, the News International reports. The announcment was made at a UNICEF-sponsored ceremony held at a Peshawar school (Mahmood, News International, 5/28). Expanded Program on Immunization Chief Altaf Bosan said targeting children of IDPs is important because their living conditions are more susceptible to the spread of polio and other infections (Daily Times, 5/28).
Global Health Council Announces New President
The Global Health Council on Wednesday announced that former Merck excutive Jeff Sturchio will succeeed Nils Daulaire as president and CEO of the organization, NPR’s “Health Blog” reports. Sturchio directed Merck’s philanthropic efforts, including its HIV/AIDS access programs. The Council credits Sturchio with helping Botswana built its treatment program for people with HIV/AIDS, and said it expects that he will continue creating foreign and government partnerships (Wilson,”Health Blog,” NPR, 5/26).
The KFF Daily Global Health Policy Report summarized news and information on global health policy from hundreds of sources, from May 2009 through December 2020. All summaries are archived and available via search.