The Financial Times features several articles in a special report on the Sustainable Development Goals.

Financial Times: Experts divided over value of U.N. Sustainable Development Goals
“…[E]xperts remain divided on the value of the MDGs in the past, and whether the SDGs will have any greater impact in the future…” (Jack, 9/15).

Financial Times: Paris pledges on greenhouse gases still fall short
“…[A]s the Paris meeting nears, it is clear that this progressive ramping up of emissions reduction efforts is going to be vital…” (Clark, 9/15).

Financial Times: Sustainable Development Goals aim to improve women’s lives
“…The indicators on which this progress towards equality will be measured are multiple and complex, and there can be little doubt that attempting to meet them will require tackling deeply entrenched social attitudes about girls and women, including their worth and their place in society…” (Kazmin, 9/15).

Financial Times: Sustainable Development: sanitation needs more private investment
“…The challenge is coming up with ways to fund the infrastructure needed to provide sanitation services. Creating markets and educating consumers of the health benefits of sanitation is part of the process, says Sean Moore, portfolio manager at Acumen, a New York-based social impact investment fund…” (Murray, 9/15).

Financial Times: Global primary education vow still to be met
“…Conflict and mass emigration in countries such as Syria have been among many obstacles standing in the way of the Millennium Summit’s ambitious goal…” (Mundy, 9/15).

Financial Times: Benefits of U.N.’s millennium health goals remain unevenly spread
“…The new SDGs introduce some valuable aspects required for improved health, from a fresh emphasis on non-communicable diseases and the need for broader health systems, processes and coverage levels, to the wider aspects of clean water and air, and poverty alleviation. But many fear they will also dilute the concentration of effort that has helped to bring about recent advances…” (Jack, 9/15).

Financial Times: Critics question success of U.N.’s Millennium Development Goals
“…The argument is often that the quantitative goals helped to focus minds and channel aid money in an efficient way. However, some independent development experts beg to differ…” (Sandbu, 9/15).

The KFF Daily Global Health Policy Report summarized news and information on global health policy from hundreds of sources, from May 2009 through December 2020. All summaries are archived and available via search.

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